If you are looking for a children's watch with GPS, at kiboTEK Bilbao we are experts. In our physical store in Bilbao at Alameda Urquijo 35 you can find the entire catalog of the leading brand in children's watches with GPS Savefamily.
SaveFamily is a Spanish 100% company located in Castro Urdiales, in Cantabria. They have more than 10 years of experience in the business world, but consider themselves, above all, parents. All the products they manufacture do so with top quality products, focusing especially on children, with their GPS watches, tablets, cameras ... Positioning itself as the benchmark company in everything related to this world. Also, SaveFamily servers are hosted in Europe, because children's safety comes first.
Now you can buy children's watches Save Family en kiboTEK con envíos en 24h y TRES años de garantía oficial.
Tienda Oficial Savefamily Bilbao
Buy the SaveFamily Iconic plus 2 GPS watch for children
Buy the SaveFamily SaveWatch Plus GPS watch for kids
Buy the SaveFamily Slim GPS watch for children
Buy the SaveFamily Iconic plus GPS watch for kids
Buy the SaveFamily Enjoy GPS watch for children
Buy SaveFamily Senior GPS watch for kids
The entire range of children's watches with GPS SaveFamily
The package includes a usb charger cable and a 100% instruction manual in Spanish.
SaveFamily watches are compatible with any mobile phone operator. Before inserting the SIM card, we must make sure to remove the PIN from it.
On the other hand in our tienda física de Alameda Urquijo 35 en BilEn nuestra tienda física de kiboTEK también disponemos de un gran catálogo de tarifas de operadoras low cost desde tán solo 3€ para tu reloj como Digi, O2, Lowi, Simyo, Fi Network, Masmovil etc… Nuestros compañeros le asesorarán para que elija la tarifa más ajustada para su reloj.